United States Department of Transportation (USDOT)
Thriving Communities Program Capacity Builder
InfraStrategies is providing technical advisory services to 15 communities across the United States that were selected by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) for the Networked Communities practice area. As part of a multi-disciplinary team, InfraStrategies staff is advising on strategic planning efforts, leading project financial planning, developing financial strategies for transportation projects, and providing grant assistance and strategy services.
The Thriving Communities Program (TCP) provides intensive technical assistance to under-resourced and disadvantaged communities to help them identify, develop, and deliver transportation and community revitalization opportunities. The TCP is one of several tools being provided by USDOT to ensure every community has an equal opportunity to access federal transportation funding and financing to deliver transformative infrastructure projects. The program supports selected communities and agencies to create efficient, safe, environmentally sound, resilient, sustainable, and equitable transportation experiences for everyone.
Key Staff
Sharon Greene
Sophie Guiny
Emma Huang