San Francisco County Transportation ​Authority (SFCTA)

Downtown Rail Extension Project (DTX) Financial Plan

The Downtown Rail Extension (DTX) will extend Caltrain commuter rail from its ​current terminus at Fourth and King streets to the new Transit Center. It will ​also deliver the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s future high-speed rail ​service to the Transit Center. The 1.3-mile rail extension (1.95 miles of total ​construction length) will be constructed principally below grade using cut-and-​cover and mined tunneling methods underneath Townsend and Second ​Streets. The project includes an underground station at Fourth and Townsend ​streets, six structures for emergency exit, and ventilation along the alignment, ​utility relocation and rail systems work.

InfraStrategies is supporting San Francisco County Transportation Authority ​(SFCTA) in developing a committed project development, construction, and ​operations funding plan for the DTX project that is consistent with available ​local, regional, and state sources and meets eligibility requirements for the ​FTA Capital Investment Grant Program. InfraStrategies led the development of ​a draft funding plan and conducted scenario analysis for various funding ​sources and timelines. The multibillion dollar project is currently in New Starts ​Project Development.

Key Staff

Emma Huang

Sharon Greene

Tesse Rasmussen

Joshua Schank

Key Service Areas


SamTrans Strategic Plan and Revenue Forecasts

