San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)
Downtown Rail Extension Project (DTX) Financial Plan
The Downtown Rail Extension (DTX) will extend Caltrain commuter rail from its current terminus at Fourth and King streets to the new Transit Center. It will also deliver the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s future high-speed rail service to the Transit Center. The 1.3-mile rail extension (1.95 miles of total construction length) will be constructed principally below grade using cut-and-cover and mined tunneling methods underneath Townsend and Second Streets. The project includes an underground station at Fourth and Townsend streets, six structures for emergency exit, and ventilation along the alignment, utility relocation and rail systems work.
InfraStrategies is supporting San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) in developing a committed project development, construction, and operations funding plan for the DTX project that is consistent with available local, regional, and state sources and meets eligibility requirements for the FTA Capital Investment Grant Program. InfraStrategies led the development of a draft funding plan and conducted scenario analysis for various funding sources and timelines. The multibillion dollar project is currently in New Starts Project Development.
Key Staff
Emma Huang
Sharon Greene
Tesse Rasmussen
Joshua Schank